
Stanishev 4 PES President – Future

Together with the Prime-Ministers of Denmark, Sweden, and Georgia and with the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs the position of the left was coordinated before the summit in Riga.

I called for strict observance of the Minsk-2 agreements on Ukraine, as well as for peaceful and sustainable solution for the region. Through the Eastern Partnership, the EU aims […]


Sergei Stanishev on Macedonia


Stanishev condemns Macedonian government’s (in)actions

Today S&D MEP and PES President Sergei Stanishev took part in the debate on the situation in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia during this week’s EP plenary session in Strasbourg.


In his speech he pointed out that from a front-runner in EU integration among applicant countries, Macedonia has fallen in a continuous deep political crisis during Gruevski’s ruling. In his […]


Sergei Stanishev at the Protest in Skopje, 17th of May


Stanishev to join the civil rally in Skopje

In a letter dated 16 May Sergei Stanishev informed PES member parties’ leaders that he would join the civil rally in Skopje, FYR Macedonia this Sunday. ‘PES is deeply concerned by growing tensions in the country. We have long supported Macedonia’s efforts to join the EU and NATO and we have always promoted and advocated for rule of law, media […]


Stanishev greets BSP Congress on behalf of PES

The new left narrative for the future is a huge intellectual and political mission for us all

First of all please let me greet the BSP Congress on behalf of the big PES family and wish you a fruitful discussion producing common clear and inspiring messages to the Bulgarian society – said Stanishev in his speech during the 48th BSP Congress […]


Stanishev: Let’s pay tribute to Lambo for all that he has done for our party in difficult times

Speaking at the 48th BSP Congress in Sofia, Bulgaria, Sergei Stanishev reminded his comrades of the successful presidential campaign of BSP.

There is nothing predetermined both in life and in politics. Everything is in our own hands. In 2011, opinion polls argued 42% of Plevneliev, 26% for Kuneva and 14-15% for Kalfin. But then we found the strength and motivation to […]


Stanishev: Choosing between Europe and Russia is a false alternative

Speaking at today’s BSP Congress, Sergei Stanishev stated that there has been a wrongful feeling in society lately that Bulgaria is faced with choosing between Europe and Russia, but this is a false alternative. The future of Bulgaria undoubtedly lies in the European Union as a full-fledged and effective member but this in no way means that we should not […]


Stanishev: BSP is the only pro-European opposition and must prove it in the upcoming local elections

The country is governed by a coalition of parties with no common principles, based on constant bargaining and secret deals

The country is governed by a coalition of parties with no common principles, based on constant bargaining and secret deals. This is a coalition which buys time and comfort at the expense of the future. Born as 4-party coalition of politically […]


Stanishev thanks Marian Lupu for his support for the law on the special status of the Bulgarian-populated region of Taraclia in Moldova

The leader of the PES-affiliated Democratic Party of Moldova will continue to support the law on the special status of Taraclia

Meeting DPM’s president Marian Lupu at PES headquarters today in Brussels, Sergei Stanishev thanked him for following up on his commitment to support a special law paving the way for granting the ethnic Bulgarian-populated region of Taraclia in Moldova. During […]


PES demands urgent action from European Council on refugees

‘PES top priority is saving human lives and preventing further such tragedies. The flow of refugees must be shared between EU Member states on the basis of solidarity. Italy, Spain, Greece, Malta and Bulgaria are not alone. The EU should finally have a truly common migration policy’. This is what PES President Sergei Stanishev stated opening a PES Presidency meeting […]