The country is governed by a coalition of parties with no common principles, based on constant bargaining and secret deals

The country is governed by a coalition of parties with no common principles, based on constant bargaining and secret deals. This is a coalition which buys time and comfort at the expense of the future. Born as 4-party coalition of politically incompatible entities according to European standards, it has now grown to 5 or 6-party conglomerate. All the participants gave up on their values and promises to the electorate for the sake of power. All of them kneeled to GERB!

This is what PES leader Sergei Stanishev told delegates to the 48th BSP Congress. BSP has the unique chance to be the only pro-European opposition, which opens a wide space for actions and talks with all social groups and generations. Every day the ruling coalition gives us new opportunities to react and uphold our positions. 16 bln leva of new government debt! How much will this cost to every citizen?

He described the turn of positions of ABV and MRF on the debt issue as a prominent example of political behind-the-scenes bargaining.

Even this issue alone is enough for a permanent political campaign. What to say about the hit on the ‘poor and working’ people? The 1 bln leva campaign for energy efficiency of buildings has cost 300 leva to each and every one of these hundreds of thousands of people. Energy efficiency sounds nice, but we know that the municipalities, the companies and even the buildings are known in advance. What to say about the words of Tsvetan Tsvetanov that GERB should be the backbone of the state?

PES President Stanishev also underlined that the success of BSP in the coming local elections depends on the discussions and messages during this Congress.

I know that it is hard for each and every one of us – from the activist to the Chairman. We see our people being fired from their jobs, we see the pressure exerted on BSP. We have only one way forward – to stay together, to show once more that we will not succumb to despair. To demonstrate a strong will for upholding our positions and a future for Bulgaria which is different from the dark status-quo we see today. Because in the end politics is about the future and the will to pursue it – said Stanishev.