This is what Sergei Stanishev concluded following his meeting in Strasbourg with Violeta Bulc, European Commissioner for Transport.


‘The ‘Danube’ transport corridor is of high importance but its capacity is not sufficiently used. As part of the Pan European transport corridor №7, ‘Danube’ is of key geopolitical significance for Europe’, Sergei Stanishev, Member of the European Parliament, told Commissioner Bulc. They discussed the priorities for the transport sector in the EU during the plenary session of the EP in Strasbourg. Commissioner Bulc underlined that ‘Danube’ holds a great potential and its further development will remain among Commissions priorities.


Stanishev said that for the Socialists and Democrats Group in the EP the reindustrialisation of Europe, as key to economic development and boosting competitiveness, is of utmost importance. In his view the modernisation of the railway network is also an important tool for the reindustrialisation as well as for reaching EU targets for greenhouse gas emissions. According to Stanishev, the proposed European Fund for Strategic Investments, created in the context of the Juncker Investment Plan, provides a good opportunity for financing more projects in the railway transport sector.


Stanishev said he was glad that that despite belonging to different political families they both shared a similar vision for the development of the sector and will cooperate closely during the current mandate.