“Statement by Sergei Stanishev during the plenary debate on the choice of the new Commission:
“Today I will support the Juncker Commission, because this must be the democratic approach. This is an important political agreement with the European citizens.
Juncker received our support as President after he gave clear statement for change in the priorities. The main line of this change is his plan for 300 billion investment in job creation, competitiveness and growth.
Through endorsing the Commission, we support the socialist Commissioners who showed high level of expertise and commitment during the hearings.
The balance in the Commission was improved in the course of the negotiations. Thanks to the efforts of the Group of Socialists & Democrats, we have better representation and no important decisions can be taken without the support of our family.
Our support is not unconditional. We will monitor the implementation of the commitments which were made.
Last but not least, I will support the Commission, because if we want change, we must engage in it at any stage.”
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