PES President Sergei Stanishev met with Vytenis Andriukaitis, EU Commissioner for Health and a food Safety, on 25th October in Strasbourg.
“Health is a priority concern for young people. The in-depth Millenial Dialogue study conducted by our Foundation FEPS shows that 93% of the youth identifies healthcare as a top priority. It is our duty to address this concern, as part of the comprehensive PES European Plan for Youth and to fight for funding for a Child Guarantee, guaranteeing healthy meals at schools and access to healthcare.”, said PES leader Sergei Stanishev.
They agreed to work together on a progressive health agenda, and in particular to tackle health issues as part of the PES European Plan for Youth.
“Reducing health inequalities is at the core of our socialist DNA. Faced with growing health risks for young people, such as unhealthy nutrition, lack of exercise, tobacco and alcohol abuse, stress and unhealthy housing, we support Commissioner Andriukaitis’ progressive health agenda and his active involvement within our political family.”, added Stanishev.
They agreed to jointly organise a conference on “a progressive health agenda for young people” in 2017 and to structure social-democratic forces active in the health field.
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